Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Visit With The First Graders At Estem Charter School

Friday, February 28 I spoke to the first graders at Estem Charter School in Little Rock about my platform.

These students were some of the most well behaved children! I met many of them walking in the hallway of the school. One young girl asked me if it was my birthday. I told her it was not and she then wanted to know why I had that crown on my head then. 

The students loved the presentation and were so eager to participate in the activities. 

This young girl was prepared to floss! She had so much fun and did a great job!

They also loved the sugar activity. 

I had a student tell me the reason they didn't floss was because they didn't have any floss. This is why I have such a heart for going into schools. I have had many children tell me they do not have the necessities to properly take care of their teeth. I am so proud to be able to provide them with the tools they need.

We of course had to take a silly picture!

I loved getting to see one of my best friends from college and high school. Thank you Callie for allowing me to share with all of the first graders and your students. Callie is always supporting me in my Miss Arkansas journey!


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